The New Zealand Bankers’ Association is encouraging people to get their money fighting fit during Money Week which runs from 13 to 19 October.
“Financial fitness is a lot like physical fitness. We know it’s good for us and can really improve our lives and how we feel, but sometimes it’s hard to take the first step. Money Week is all about helping us to take the plunge to manage our money better,” said New Zealand Bankers’ Association deputy chief executive Karen Scott-Howman.
“Banks across New Zealand are right behind Money Week because people who are financially well-informed make better money decisions. That’s good for banks and good for their customers.”
Banks are joining other organisations in supporting Money Week though a range of initiatives and events in communities and schools.
“So whether you’re looking for tips on day-to-day money management and budgeting, or savings and investment advice, there’s something for everyone.”
“Money Week is also a good time to book in for a financial fitness check-up. Your bank can offer you personalised advice about how to manage your money better. They’re more than happy to talk to you about your individual circumstances and how you can get to where you want to be,” Scott-Howman said.
Money Week is coordinated by the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income. More information is available at