This Code sets out the good banking practices we’ll follow

We want a positive relationship with you. By working together, we can help you to have a good banking experience.

To achieve that goal, this Code of Banking Practice sets out the principles of good banking practice. We agree to follow good banking practices as a minimum standard in our relationship with you.

In this Code, ‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘our’ means your bank and ‘you’ and ‘your’ means you, the customer.

How the Code relates to bank terms and conditions

This Code doesn’t form part of the terms and conditions of your relationship with us. How we deal with you depends on the accounts, products, and services you have.

You should refer to the terms and conditions of the contracts you entered with us for details on our obligations to you and your obligations to us. This Code doesn’t override or replace those terms and conditions. It also doesn’t form part of any contracts with us.

The Code doesn’t apply to wholesale customers

If you’re a wholesale customer, this Code won’t apply to your banking relationship with us. ‘Wholesale customers’ has the same meaning as ‘wholesale clients’ in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, and includes large organisations.

Talk to us or the Banking Ombudsman if you have any problems

Later in this Code we set out what you can do if you’re not happy with anything we’ve done, including how to complain to us or the Banking Ombudsman.

When looking into a complaint, the Banking Ombudsman refers to this Code’s principles, the law, and the contracts you’ve entered with us. When needed, the Banking Ombudsman also consults the industry.

This Code is set by the banking industry

Member banks of the New Zealand Banking Association prepared this Code ─ consulting the public, other industry participants, and the Banking Ombudsman.

We’ll cooperate with other industry participants, where necessary, to achieve this Code’s principles, including if you change banks.

Where to find more information

The Banking Ombudsman provides quick guides with practical information for bank customers on many banking issues. You can find these quick guides at

You can also find this Code on our website or the New Zealand Banking Association’s website,, or ask at any branch.