Under the Code of Banking Practice, we agree we’ll do our best to meet the needs of all our customers.
To help us achieve that goal under the Code we’ll also follow these guidelines, which we’ve designed to help us meet the needs of older and disabled customers.
We’ll follow these guidelines by 1 January 2020.
In these guidelines, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ means your bank and ‘you’ and ‘your’ means you, the customer. These guidelines are also subject to the Code, including how the Code relates to bank terms and conditions.
We recognise that disabled and older customers should be able to access information, products, and services, in a way that’s fair, reasonable, and easy, and encourages their independence and control.
We also recognise the need to understand and consider older and disabled customers when developing processes, products, and services, so we reflect the diversity of customers and the accessibility challenges they may face.
These guidelines:
It’s not possible for these guidelines to cover all the access and banking issues faced by older and disabled customers. We also recognise that not all disabilities are obvious and may still affect the way some people access information and banking services.
Banking services will also change over time to meet customer demand and to reflect new technologies, presenting new opportunities and challenges. We’ll continue to evolve these guidelines as banking services and technologies, and accessibility options, change.
Where appropriate, we’ll consult with older and disabled customers and communities as we consider banking issues that affect them. And we’ll use the resources listed in the attached Appendix, if needed.
We recognise New Zealand has signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is an important step in recognising the needs of disabled people. The Convention complements New Zealand’s human rights legislation.
In these guidelines, when we say we will or should do something, we’ll aim to make ‘reasonable accommodation’ under the Convention.
The Convention defines ‘reasonable accommodation’ as:
‘necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden…to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms’.
We’ll train relevant staff or provide processes to allow them to:
When we publish information about banking or products and services for older and disabled customers, we’ll consider:
When we’re designing physical banking spaces, we’ll consider:
If we manage queues by assigning a number, we’ll also consider calling out numbers as well as displaying them on a screen.
We’ll be sensitive to the needs of customers who may experience anxiety or other difficulties waiting in queues. If asked, and where reasonable, we’ll provide alternatives for those customers in our banking spaces.
We’ll work to help older and disabled customers to understand the range of banking products and services available, and how we can support customers as their needs change.
We’ll consider the needs of older and disabled customers when we’re:
We’ll work with older and disabled customers and communities to identify and address communication and language needs. In particular, we’ll welcome interpreters and support people if this is what customers want or need.
If a customer can’t use a product or service we offer due to age or disability, we’ll consider reducing the fee we charge them if they ask us to do so.
When developing ATM services, we’ll consider the need for:
When developing electronic banking services, we’ll consider using the international W3C web accessibility best practice standard, the accessibility-related New Zealand e-government web standards, and recommendations, including the need for:
Where appropriate, we’ll engage with organisations representing older and disabled customers to help tell them about changing technologies around ATMs and electronic banking.
A government guide about good practice for the design of buildings that are safe and easy to use for everyone.
Advice and services related to accessible environments
Information and advice on the rights and entitlements of people with an intellectual disability.
Free information on all aspects of intellectual disability, autism, and other developmental disabilities
Anyone can borrow from the library and loans are free of charge.
The only cost to users is the return postage.
A People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi service about people with learning disabilities.
Provides large print guidelines, braille, and audio transcription services.
New Zealand sign language interpreting services provided by qualified interpreters.
Provides relay services to help deaf, hearing-impaired, and deaf-blind people to communicate by phone, text, and internet.
A way of presenting information for people with learning disability that is easier to understand, using everyday words and images. Provided by People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi.
Information about financial abuse of older adults and help with training to identify and sensitively managing potential abuse situations.
Advocates for members, including issues of accessibility, and can advise on training of people in blind awareness.
Provides information on employing disabled people which may also assist with providing services to this group. Resources can be downloaded for free.
Helping people make their own decisions with support that’s right for them. Provided by People First New Zealand Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi.
Creating opportunities that enable deaf people to achieve their aspirations.
Supporting the delivery of high-quality services by dementia organisations working in the community.
Works to realise an equitable society where all disabled people are able to direct their own lives.
Promotes the welfare and well-being of people over 50.
Promotes and protects the human rights of all people in New Zealand.
Advocates for the rights, inclusion and welfare of all people with intellectual disabilities and supports them to live satisfying lives in the community.
An advocacy organisation that is led and directed by people with learning disability.
Advises the government on issues relating to older people and publishes the SuperSeniors e-newsletter.