Media Appearances

Media Appearances - Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly details easier access to loans and changes to financial dispute resolution services

- “We welcome the removal of overly prescriptive affordability assessment requirements because it should help fix the one-size-fits-all approach that treated all types of lending and borrowers the same. The change still means that consumers are protected, and lenders need to be responsible,” NZBA Chief Executive Roger Beaumont says.
Media Appearances

Good Returns - CCCFA reaction: a return to common sense

- Beaumont is pleased to see moves to simplify other matters in the CCCFA, especially personal liability for directors and senior managers, the requirements for disclosure of information to borrowers and the updating of the Responsible Lending Code guidance, to get the balance right and help ensure consumers don’t see a prescriptive approach reintroduced.
Media Appearances

NBR - Govt unburdens more prescriptive elements of CCCFA

- “This will help bring back flexibility and discretion for banks to help customers in need, for example in emergency situations, and better recognises that banks already have their own prudent lending policies, which help ensure borrowers can afford to repay any debt.”