Media Appearances

Media Appearances

Newsroom - Full Govt guarantee needed for business loans

- The New Zealand Bankers Association said banks had lent businesses $5.9 billion in new loans since March 26. These are loans outside the BFGS because the final deed on the scheme was signed two weeks after the official announcement was made.
Media Appearances

NBR - Covid-19 loan scheme for SMEs a flop

- In making loans under the Business Finance Guarantee Scheme the banks were bound by the terms set by the Treasury, Bankers Association chief executive Roger Beaumont said. “The rules require banks to have customers provide security for loans under the scheme. Banks are responsible lenders. The loans are not intended to fail, which is why... Read more »
Media Appearances

NBR - Firms urged to go back to banks for loans

- “The fact that banks have lent $5.5b to businesses since we went into lockdown clearly shows they’re lending where they can. They still need to be responsible lenders and not everyone looking for a loan will meet the lending criteria,” Beaumont said. None of that $5.5b loaned by banks since March 26 forms part of the... Read more »