- “Your bank will reimburse any losses for unauthorised electronic banking or card fraud if you took reasonable steps to protect your banking, and complied with your terms and conditions.”
- The New Zealand regulators have annual work programmes to improve the governance and operations of our banking environment. Banks here work regularly with them on these initiatives.
- Banks need to ask certain customers to provide information about their tax status. If you’ve been contacted, it’s important that you respond to your bank, regardless of your tax status.
- “Banks work closely with their agri clients, through good times and bad. Keeping the lines of communication open is critical to the ongoing success of farmers and their banks.”
- The New Zealand Bankers’ Association has announced the launch of a new edition of the Code of Banking Practice, aiming to give all customers a good banking experience.
- New Zealand Bankers’ Association deputy chief executive Antony Buick-Constable said it was strongly recommended that people check out online sales websites before making purchases.
- “One of the most effective ways of tackling misconduct is ensuring their are clear processes and safeguards for employees to raise issues safely,” NZBA chief executive Karen Scott-Howman said.
- New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Karen Scott-Howman said the industry’s return on equity was about 14 per cent. That is roughly the same as The Warehouse Group and well behind Fisher and Paykel Healthcare’s 26 per cent.
- Bankers Association chief executive Karen Scott-Howman said the banks’ revised staff incentive schemes which followed the highly critical Sedgwick Report in Australia last year, indicated banks were committed to “continuous improvement”.