Media Appearances

Media Appearances - Law to restrain loan sharks bites banks

- Bankers’ association chief executive Kirk Hope said banks were never the target of the measures contained in the bill, which was aimed at reining in abusive loan sharks and dodgy debt collectors. “The most vulnerable consumers could be protected by enforcing the existing laws,” he said.
Media Appearances - Banks may be playing on customer ignorance

- “Banks have worked really hard and have involved people like Writemark in the development of their product material,” Hope said. They also all have programmes to lift financial literacy among customers, and people in the community.
Media Appearances

NZ Herald - Bankers knock new capital plans

- Hope said that it was wrong to assume all high LVR borrowers were on comparatively low incomes; it might reflect a relatively high income and capacity to service the loan.
Media Appearances - Kiwis could face Cyprus-style trim

- Bankers Association chief executive Kirk Hope said the latest International Monetary Fund report on New Zealand pointed out the strength and stability of our banking system, and it was not helpful to compare it with Cyprus.