Media Appearances

Media Appearances

Radio NZ - Bankers respond to criticism over profits

- The Bankers Association commissioned Massey University’s Centre for Banking Studies to compare the return on shareholders’ equity for the banks, with those of the top 50 listed firms, between 2008 and 2012.
Media Appearances

NBR - Banks claw back profits

- Large profits in the banking sector  needed to be considered alongside the contribution banks made to the economy, Mr Hope says. “Last year banks contributed around $6 billion to our economy through the $4.5 billion they invest in running their businesses here, and the $1.3 billion they paid in tax.”
Media Appearances

NZ Herald - Banks slam FMA KiwiSaver selling advice

- The banking industry’s lobby group has slammed the investment regulator over its guidance on how KiwiSaver should be sold, saying it will be harder for consumers to get information on the retirement savings scheme.
Media Appearances

Newstalk ZB - Most Kiwis rate their bank highly – survey

- A survey by Consumer NZ shows the banking sector in New Zealand rates well above other service sectors. New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope says banks have lifted their game over the last five years, with an eight percent increase in customer satisfaction from 84 percent to 92 percent.
Media Appearances

Newstalk ZB - Bankers keen to make Kiwis more money smart

- The week ahead is Money Week, and the banking industry is getting on board with a range of financial education activities. Mr Hope says banks are backing Money Week because they believe well-informed customers are better placed to make borrowing and investment decisions.
Media Appearances

3 News - New bill could reduce compliance costs

- A reduction in compliance costs could be on the way for small and medium sized companies if the new financial reporting bill passes later this year. New Zealand Bankers’ Association CEO Kirk Hope says the savings could be significant.