Media Releases

Media Releases

Bankers’ Association welcomes positive moves on business regulation

- The New Zealand Bankers’ Association has congratulated the government on two positive moves in the area of business regulation. Today a unique New Zealand Business Number is being rolled out, and earlier this week the Financial Markets Conduct Act passed. “A single reference number for all New Zealand companies will help businesses easily identify themselves... Read more »
Media Releases

Banks will work hard to meet customer needs within new lending limits

- In response to the Reserve Bank imposing limits on higher loan-to-value ratio mortgage lending today, the New Zealand Bankers’ Association said banks would continue to work hard to meet their customers’ needs within the new restrictions. “People should be aware they may be declined loans because of the new restrictions imposed by the Reserve Bank.... Read more »
Media Releases

Bank fee court case may bring out scammers

- The banking industry is warning customers to be alert to a phishing scam capitalising on publicity around the legal action on bank fees. A class action against banks in Australia has seen a large number of customers targeted by fraudsters claiming to be from their bank. Typically, fraudsters inform customers that for a small payment... Read more »
Media Releases

New anti-money laundering regime now in force

- All New Zealand banks are now required to comply with the new anti-money laundering regime, which came into force on 30 June. Under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 all New Zealand banks have additional obligations to check customer identity and, in some cases, account activity. “The new regime applies to... Read more »
Media Releases

Get the banking products that suit you and avoid fees

- In response to legal action on bank fees announced today the New Zealand Bankers’ Association said it expected the case to be vigorously defended. “Fees of this nature are usually avoidable. Customers concerned about their fees should talk to their bank to make sure they have the accounts and products that suit their needs,” said... Read more »
Media Releases

Beware scams that target seniors

- Be on guard against financial crime that targets seniors said the New Zealand Bankers’ Association today as Fraud Awareness Week 2013 was launched. “Banks take all fraud very seriously, and fraudsters who prey on vulnerable people are particularly concerning,” said New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope. “Banks have systems to help detect and... Read more »
Media Releases

Retirement Commissioner appointment welcomed

- The New Zealand Bankers’ Association today congratulated Diane Maxwell on her appointment as Retirement Commissioner. “We have been working closely with Diane in her interim capacity and are pleased to see her confirmed in the permanent role of Retirement Commissioner,” said New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope. “Diane’s banking and regulatory background will... Read more »
Media Releases

New Zealand appointment to BIAC welcomed

- The New Zealand Bankers’ Association today welcomed the election of Business NZ chief executive Phil O’Reilly as chair of the OECD’s Business and Industry Advisory Council (BIAC). “It’s great that New Zealand has been recognised in this way, and to see this international group getting the benefit of Phil O’Reilly’s leadership and talent as a... Read more »
Media Releases

Budget hits the right notes

- The government continues to guide the economy in the right direction said the New Zealand Bankers’ Association today in response to Budget 2013. “The government’s prudent fiscal approach to the economy, underpinned by our strong and stable banking sector, is crucial to our continuing economic momentum in a still fragile global economy,” said New Zealand... Read more »
Media Releases

Cracking down on money laundering to combat serious crime

- Cracking down on money laundering is part of a global response to serious crime and terrorism. New Zealand banks are playing their part by implementing a new law which comes into force on 30 June 2013. Under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 all New Zealand banks have additional obligations to... Read more »