Media Releases

Media Releases

Skimming bust a reminder to be on guard

- This week’s sentencing of two Romanian fraudsters provides a useful reminder to be on guard when using your bank card. The convicted men were planning to set up skimming devices on ATMs in New Zealand, have been fined $1000 each and will be deported from the country. “While we would like to have seen a... Read more »
Media Releases

Bank customer satisfaction high – survey

- A public opinion survey has found a high level satisfaction among bank customers, the New Zealand Bankers’ Association revealed today. Eighty-two per cent of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with their main bank, with only seven per cent dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. “This is a pleasing result which shows that banks are continuing to... Read more »
Media Releases

Westpac to chair New Zealand Bankers’ Association

- Westpac New Zealand chief executive Peter Clare has been elected chair of the New Zealand Bankers’ Association for 2013/14. ASB Bank chief executive Barbara Chapman was elected deputy chair. “I look forward to working with colleagues from across the industry,” said Peter Clare. “We have a strong and stable banking sector which invests in New... Read more »
Media Releases

Heartland Bank joins New Zealand Bankers’ Association

- Heartland Bank today joined the New Zealand Bankers’ Association, bringing the total number of the association’s member banks to 14. New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope welcomed Heartland Bank. “We are pleased to have New Zealand’s newest bank join us. Having Heartland on board further demonstrates the diversity of our banking sector,” said... Read more »
Media Releases

Bankers’ Association welcomes interim Retirement Commissioner

- The New Zealand Bankers’ Association has today welcomed the appointment of interim Retirement Commissioner Diane Maxwell. “Diane brings a wealth of experience to the role from both the banking and regulatory sides of the financial sector,” said New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope. “Diane has great skills in strategic development and delivering financial... Read more »
Media Releases

Talk of legal action jumps the gun

- Talk of legal action today relating to bank fees fails to take into account differences between the New Zealand and Australian banking sectors. “Australian legislation around civil suits is very different from what we have in New Zealand. We are surprised the lawyers running this don’t appear to know about these differences. We also note... Read more »
Media Releases

New Zealand banks strong, stable and safe

- New Zealand banks had another solid and stable year according to according to KPMG’s Financial Institutions Performance Survey for the 2012 financial year. “The survey shows our banks are among the best funded and regulated in the world, and fiercely competitive. That’s good for New Zealanders and our economy,” said New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief... Read more »
Media Releases

Telephone scam alert

- The New Zealand Bankers’ Association is urging the public to be on guard against a telephone scam. Scammers purporting to be from the New Zealand Bankers’ Association are phoning members of the public and saying they are investigating banks charging excessive fees and offering compensation to affected customers. They then ask people to provide their... Read more »
Media Releases

Report finds banks performing well

- Analysis released today shows New Zealand’s major banks continue to perform well in the face of increased operating costs and greater regulatory pressures. The findings were contained in PwC’s Banking Perspectives report of the five major banks’ banks’ results for the second half of their 2012 financial years. “The report shows our banks are among... Read more »
Media Releases

Mortgagee sales continue to decline

- Mortgagee sales continue to decline according to Terralink data for the September quarter released today. There were 516 mortgagee sales in the three months from July to September this year, down 15 per cent from the June quarter. Of the 1.4 million residential mortgages in New Zealand, there were 2265 mortgagee sales in 2011. Mortgagee... Read more »