Media Releases

Media Releases

Lending rule tweaks won’t help most consumers

- Tweaks to new consumer lending rules released today won’t make much difference for most people seeking credit says the New Zealand Bankers’ Association. Changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act introduced last December had an immediate dampening impact on the availability of consumer credit. “The government’s rushed attempt to fix the problem hasn’t... Read more »
Media Releases

Bank customers savvy with home loans and credit cards

- People generally have a good grasp of their banking products and services according to data insights released by the New Zealand Bankers’ Association today. “We were delighted to see people using home loans and credit cards to help get ahead financially,” says New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Roger Beaumont. “Around 44 per cent of... Read more »
Media Releases

ASB to chair New Zealand Bankers’ Association

- ASB chief executive Vittoria Shortt has been elected chair of the New Zealand Bankers’ Association and takes on the role today. BNZ chief executive Dan Huggins was elected deputy chair. The chair and deputy chair take on their respective roles for two years. Ms Shortt says the banking industry has supported Kiwis through an incredibly challenging... Read more »
Media Releases

Partnership boosts banking access

- Financial mentors in small communities are helping people access banking services thanks to a partnership between FinCap and the New Zealand Bankers’ Association. A partnership agreement announced in March is now delivering for people living in places from Balclutha to Murupara through a Banking Collaboration Project funded in the first year of the partnership. Under... Read more »
Media Releases

We all have a role to play in calling out economic harm

- If you see signs of economic harm among family and friends, it’s important to call it out. That’s a key message from the New Zealand Bankers’ Association, which is supporting the first Economic Harm Awareness Day in Aotearoa New Zealand organised by Good Shepherd NZ on Friday 26 November. Economic harm can affect anyone, regardless... Read more »
Media Releases

“Changes to consumer lending and how it affects you” – information welcomed by financial mentors and lenders

- Changes to consumer lending law to help people avoid unaffordable debt mean it may take longer to get a loan from 1 December. Information to help consumers prepare for the changes has been welcomed by financial mentors and lenders. The changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 mean credit applications are likely... Read more »
Media Releases

Calls to banks up 20% through lockdown

- The number of customers contacting their bank has increased 20% since New Zealand went into Covid alert level 4 lockdown on 17 August. “In the first week of lockdown banks saw little customer contact due to the Covid restrictions. Since then, calls have increased on average 20 per cent. We put the increase down mostly... Read more »
Media Releases

Half of home loans ahead on repayments

- Half the people with home loans in New Zealand are ahead on their repayments the New Zealand Bankers’ Association revealed today. “Our data shows that 50 per cent of home loan customers are ahead on their repayments. That says a lot about the financial capability of people with a mortgage. They think it’s a good... Read more »
Media Releases

Deposit guarantee scheme provides extra security for depositors

- The deposit guarantee scheme announced today by the government will provide even more security for people who have bank deposits. “Our banks are among the best capitalised and regulated in the world. We saw their strength and resilience through the global financial crisis, when there were no bank failures or bailouts in New Zealand. And,... Read more »
Media Releases

Hub banks will not close regional branches for rest of 2021

- The six banks participating in the Regional Banking Hubs trial are renewing their commitment to not close regional branches until the end of the year, when the trial concludes. The September 2019 announcement of the hubs pilot included a voluntary commitment to not close regional branches for the period of the trial. The full commitment... Read more »