
Here you’ll find our media releases and opinions about banking in New Zealand, along with our media appearances.

Media Releases

Banks welcome new financial conduct regime

- The New Zealand Bankers’ Association today welcomed the government’s announcement to introduce a new regime for financial service providers to ensure fairer treatment for customers.   “Banks want to treat their customers fairly. It’s good for customers and good for business. We welcome further steps to help ensure we’re doing that. We will work closely... Read more »
Media Releases

Bank staff to help teach School Leavers’ Toolkit

- The banking industry will provide hands-on skills to support the School Leavers’ Toolkit by making staff available to teach the financial literacy component, as required. The New Zealand Bankers’ Association has been involved in the development of the toolkit since it began, providing ideas, specialist expertise and content approval for the financial literacy component. Banks... Read more »
Media Appearances - Government’s proposed conduct licensing regime for financial service providers will make them accountable for sales to consumers

- “Since last year’s Bank Conduct and Culture Review all banks have committed to removing sales incentives for frontline salespeople and their managers. While that review found no evidence of widespread misconduct and culture issues across the industry here we accept there’s work to do to put better systems and processes in place to ensure good... Read more »